Highlights for the week ending January 22, 2021
Please note that we are aligning some key terms in our product communication with the Kubernetes project’s terminology:
- The term management cluster replaces the term control plane. The Kubernetes project uses the term control plane when dealing with the master nodes (as they were called formerly) of a cluster, so we are removing an ambiguity that confused people.
- The API formerly called Control Plane Kubernetes API is now called Management API.
- What we called tenant cluster is now called a workload cluster.
For a comprehensive and always-updated view of all new features and changes for apps, tenant clusters, UI, and documentation, please check out Changes and Releases. Below are the highlights.
Managed Apps
Loki v0.1.0-alpha, our preferred app for log management is now available. Promtail, the logging client, is coming soon. Interested in Loki? We’d like to hear from you.
Prometheus Operator v0.5.2 introduces a new AlertmanagerConfig CRD and upgrades to Prometheus v2.22.1.
EFK Stack v0.4.1 came quickly after v0.4.0 to fix a small oversight. With v0.4.x Elasticsearch and Kibana are running in version v7.10.0.
Cert Manager v2.4.1 fixes an issue causing Cert Manager to fail (makes backoffLimit for clusterissuer job configurable).
Aqua v5.3.0 upgrades all charts to upstream 5.3 and introduces schema for validation of user values.
Playground Apps
Jaeger Operator v0.2.2 upgrades to the upstream chart v1.21.2 and jaeger-all-in-one to v1.21.0.
kubectl gs
- Added support for getting nodepools and removed mention of the unexistent ‘create cluster’ command.