Highlights for the week ending February 5, 2021
Managed apps
External DNS v2.1.0 adds guardrails (dry-run mode, etc.) to help prevent misconfigurations to the recently released v2.0.0. External DNS v2.0.0 allows customers to install and use External DNS for their own purpose, separate from the preinstalled app in AWS and Azure clusters. :warning: Requires NGINX IC v1.14.0+.
NGINX IC v1.14.0 is released to work with customer’s separate External DNS (see above).
Cert Manager v2.4.2 provides the option to automatically delete secrets when the parent Certificate is deleted, reducing unnecessary alerts.
K8s Initiator v0.9.2. adds flexibility by adding support for user-specific tolerations and customer RBAC rules. We also added usage examples to increase user-friendliness.
We re-organized our documentation to make it easier for you to find the content you need. The new left-hand-side menu gives you a better overview and allows to jump quickly. Please visit https://docs.giantswarm.io/ and let us know what you think!