Highlights for the week ending March 03, 2021
Managed apps
NGINX IC v1.15.0 upgrades the container images (controller container to v0.44.0 and kube-webhook-certgen to v1.5.1). It also removes conflicting admission webhook api versions, ensuring the tree of apiversions will be valid according to the webhook.
Kong v1.2.0 upgrades to upstream chart v1.15.0 and Kong to v2.3. Upstream chart v1.15.0 is an interim release before the planned v2.0.0 release. Please review the upstream changelog for all changes between v1.12.0 and v1.15.0.
Loki v0.1.1-alpha adds annotation to route alerts to the apps team, in preparation for offering Loki as a managed app in production.
Apps supported with best-effort
Jaeger Operator v0.2.3 upgrades to upstream chart v2.19.1.
Fluent Logshipping v0.6.1 fixes the output config format for AWS outputs, as well as mounts journald path and sets it correctly in fluent-bit config.
Strimzi Kafka Operator v0.2.0 upgrades to upstream v0.21.1.
The gsctl create kubeconfig command now supports Kubie, which is a tool for safely setting the context for kubectl by spawning a new shell.
The configuration path can now be customized using the GSCTL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable.