Highlights for the week ending May 21, 2021

Managed apps

Cloudflared v0.1.0 is now available. The app allows you to launch Cloudflare Argo Tunnels that route directly to services inside your cluster. Useful for clusters not running in a public cloud provider. This release significantly eases the installation in Kubernetes by creating a single deployment that reuses a named tunnel.

Prometheus Operator v0.8.2 upgrades prometheus to v2.26.1 which contains a fix for CVE-2021-29622. The vulnerability allowed attackers to redirect to arbitrary URLs through a specially crafted address (e.g.: Prior to that, v0.8.1 eases installing on kubernetes >= 1.18 by enabling ingressClass and pathType by default.

EFK v0.5.2 reverts upstream changes of deployment labels that caused upgrade conflicts.

Cert Manager v2.7.1 sets authoritative name servers to coredns when using dns01 ACME solver, in order to support DNS01 challenge introduced in v2.6.0.

Apps supported with best effort

Spark Operator, an operator that makes specifying and running Spark applications as easy as running other workloads on Kubernetes, is now available in the playground catalog.

User interfaces

kubectl-gs v1.28.0 adds get appcatalogs and get apps commands. It also now allows templating for China clusters.

We recently made many fixes and changes to the Web UI from v1.7.2 to v1.9.0 to improve the user experience, as well as prepare for new features related to providing access to the Management API.


Many docs are updated and made more accurate including: Advanced CoreDNS Configuration, App CR’s target namespace configuration, and Usage data recording in our web interface.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.