Highlights for the week ending October 8, 2021


nginx-ingress-controller-app v2.3.0 updates the controller image to upstream v1.0.3 to fix problems some users had with a special LUA module.


Terminology update: what has been called “master nodes” by the Kubernetes project in the past is now called the Control plane or the control plane nodes. We are aligning with these changes in our documentation as well as the user interfaces. Note that we are making an exception for gsctl and the Rest API, which we plan to phase out in the future.

User interfaces

We have several important changes in kubectl gs:

  • The template cluster and template nodepool commands will automatically use the namespace of the organization owning the cluster.
  • We added the command get releases to fetch information on cluster releases.
  • The template nodepool command now ensures the giantswarm.io/machine-pool labels for each worker node in a node pool, both on AWS and Azure.

Users of gsctl will notice deprecation warnings in a growing number of commands with new releases. These will inform you on which kubectl gs command to check out as a replacement. If you are using gsctl in automation, these warnings are printed to STDERR and as we hope should not affect your processing of any STDOUT output.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.