Highlights for the week ending May 27, 2022


flux-app version v0.11.0 updates to upstream version v0.30.2.

vertical-pod-autoscaler-app version v2.4.0 Use patched docker image tagged 0.10.0-oomfix for recommender and updater and fixes the issue that VPA can not detect out of memory. Please also see VPA not detecting OOM

User interfaces

In our web UI’s new function to inspect permission, we now also show kubectl commands to gather similar information from the Management API using a CLI.

We fixed the end of life date shown for Kubernetes 1.21 to June 28 in accordance with upstream. Our apologies for falsely showing the EOL label previously!

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.