Highlights for the week ending July 27 2023

Nginx Ingress Controller

We have spent the last months reworking our nginx-ingress-controller-app by aligning it to the upstream ingress-nginx project. This is necessary to be future-proof, feature compliant, and offer the best ingress experience possible. Therefore we want to announce the first public beta release of our new ingress-nginx chart.

The stable release v3.0.0 will be cut as soon as all possible bugs have been fixed and improvements have been implemented. For our beta release we added all changes mentioned in our alpha1 release.

To have a flawless experience we wrote a migration guide. This guide contains a step-by-step guide which replaces your old app deployment to upgrade the chart without any major outages.

All feedback and questions regarding the beta release, its changes and our migration guide are very welcome. Reach us in the support channel if necessary.

Warning: Do not install the beta release in production environments.


  • flux version v0.24.0. We have improved the security by updating the default securityContext values to comply with our Pod Security Standard policies.
  • crossplane version v2.3.0 We updated Crossplane to v1.12.2 Please check the Crossplane Changelog for all changes announced.
  • external-secrets version v0.6.4. In preparation to have cilium CNI running we have split the original and cilium network policies instead of excluding each other by condition.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.