Highlights for the week ending August 31 2023
- aws-load-balancer-controller-app version v1.3.4, migrates from monitoring labels to ServiceMonitor and introduces a new Pod Security Policy for Cluster API support (versions behind Kubernetes 1.25).
- external-dns version v2.39.0 replaces monitoring labels with ServiceMonitor CR, adds minAllowed in VPA to avoid OOMs and increases memory limits.
- kyverno-app version v0.15.1(and v0.15.0) updates to the highly anticipated Kyverno version 1.10.2. This release brings major architectural changes to the Kyverno controllers as well as breaking changes to the upstream Helm chart. During the upgrade to 0.15.0 or 0.15.1, existing Kyverno deployments will be briefly scaled to 0 and replaced with the new version. Important: The Helm schema has changed to reflect the new deployment structure, so if you are overriding Helm values, review the release notes and upgrade guide to ensure any relevant configuration will still apply to the new controllers. These changes include significant stability and performance improvements and VPA support for more Kyverno components.
- linkerd2-cni version v1.1.0 upgrades to Linkerd v2.13.6.
- linkerd-control-plane version v1.1.0 upgrades to Linkerd v2.13.6.
- linkerd-viz version v1.3.0, upgrades to Linkerd v2.13.6 and brings better defaults for production environments and pod distribution budgets.
For more Information about the Linkerd v2.13.6 changes, please take a look at the official release notes
- We spent the last months reworking our ingress-nginx-app by aligning it to the upstream ingress-nginx project. This is necessary to be future-proof, feature compliant, and offer the best ingress experience possible. Therefore we want to announce the first public stable release of our new ingress-nginx chart.
This release includes breaking changes if you are currently using
. We set up a migration guide to make the upgrade as smooth as possible. Notable changes requiring your attention and/or manual intervention, like renaming, deprecating or removing values, have been highlighted below. Even though we highly recommend upgrading to this and future releases,v2.x.x
will continue receiving bug fixes as long as possible.
All feedback regarding this release, its changes, or our migration guide is very welcome!