Highlights for the week ending 2024-10-10
alloy-gateway-app version 0.1.0
- Deploy an extra instance of Grafana Alloy acting as an observability gateway to be able to ingest your logs from outside the clusters in the Giant Swarm managed Loki that is deployed on your management cluster.
- Upgraded alloy container image to version 1.4.2.
- Upgraded upstream chart from 0.7.0 to 0.9.1 - see changelog for more information.
- Fix ciliumnetworkpolicy to allow clustering mode.
- Bump Chart appVersion to v1.4.2.
- Fix circleci config.
- Add PodLogs as helm chart template.
- Upgrade Alloy upstream chart from 0.7.0 to 0.9.1.
- This bumps the version of Alloy from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2.
- Some debug metrics for components have changed.
- Helm chart changes, see Alloy Helm chart v0.9.0 CHANGELOG
- Fix CiliumNetworkPolicy to allow outgoing traffic to other nodes when running Alloy in clustering mode
grafana-app version 2.16.3
- Upgraded grafana container image from 11.1.3 to 11.2.1.
- Upgraded upstream chart from 8.3.4 to 8.5.2
- Fix CI jobs generating new releases.
- Upgrade grafana chart: 8.3.4 => 8.5.2
- Upgrade grafana: 11.1.3 => 11.2.1
- Upgraded upstream chart from 6.12.0 to 6.16.0 - see changelog for more information.
observability-bundle version 1.7.0
- Upgrade to Alloy v1.4.2, which fixes a bug with component reload/evaluation and keeps the component in the latest upstream version.
- Fixes an issue with CiliumNetworkPolicy preventing Alloy to run in clustering mode
observability-operator version 0.6.1
- Fix CI jobs generating new releases
oauth2-proxy-app version 2.14.0
- Add new configuration flags needed to let JWT token through.
- Upgrade oauth2-proxy container image tag to v7.7.0
- Removes oauth2-proxy from non control plane related catalogs.
prometheus-rules version 4.18.0
- Add alerting rule for Loki missing logs at ingestion
- kyverno-app version 0.18.1
- Update
to upstream version v1.12.6. - Update
to upstream version v2.20.2.
- Update
Fleet management
app-operator version 6.11.1
- Retain a list of finalizers of Chart CR when updating it.
- Update
and failover tov2beta1
- Update zot to the latest version v2.1.1.
- Update all dependencies.