Kubectl Gs

  • Added

    • Find Cluster resources on AWS based on the giantswarm.io/cluster label if the cluster.x-k8s.io/cluster-name label does not yield results.
    • Add cluster.x-k8s.io/cluster-name label to all CRs created by AWS Cluster and Nodepol templating.


    • Usa CAPI templates for all releases from v20.0.0-alpha1 onwards, to include alpha and beta releases.
    • Move AWS Cluster templating from apiextensions
    • Move AWS Node Pool templating from apiextensions
  • Added

    • Add support for updating App CRs.
  • Added

    • Add support for creating workload cluster client certificates using the login command.
  • Fixed

    • Fix a problem with fetching Catalog CRs in validate apps.
    • Fixing a problem where the function to fetch the SSH secret to generate the templates was using inCluster config ignoring the kubeconfig.
  • Added

    • Add templating for EKS clusters using the management cluster API
    • Add templating for EKS node pools using the management cluster API
    • Add templating for CAPA node pools using the management cluster API


    • In the get catalogs command output, rename the colum APP VERSION to UPSTREAM VERSION and change the column order.
  • Fixed

    • Fix a problem where the template subcommands would be slower than expected because of obsolete API requests.
  • Added

    • Add CRs to create a bastion host in CAPZ cluster template.
    • Enable termination events for CAPZ node pools.
  • Changed

    • Use org-namespace for AWS Clusters by default
  • Added

    • Nodepool nodes are labeled with nodepool id on AWS using giantswarm.io/machine-pool.
    • MachinePool and AzureMachinePool are labeled with the giantswarm.io/machine-pool label.
    • get releases command to return details of available releases.
  • Added

    • Nodepool nodes are labeled with nodepool id on Azure using giantswarm.io/machine-pool.


    • Update the template cluster command to add CAPI defaults and validation using the management cluster API.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.