Kubectl Gs

  • Removed

    • BREAKING Remove deprecated --enable-long-name flag (affected commands: kubectl gs template cluster/nodepool/networkpool/catalog)


    • BREAKING When templating cluster manifests for CAPA clusters with kubectl gs template cluster command, now we set the workload cluster release version via the --release flag (like for vintage AWS), instead setting cluster-aws version via --cluster-version.
    • Update module version to v3.
  • Added

    • Support unified cluster-azure app. With cluster-azure v0.14.0 and newer, default apps are deployed with cluster-azure and default-apps-azure app is not deployed anymore.
    • Added --prevent-deletion flag to cluster template command for capa, capa-eks, capz clusters
  • Added

    • Allow kubectl gs update app to update App CR to any version from any catalog.
    • Also add --suspend flag to manage Flux App reconciliation.


    • BREAKING kubectl gs template cluster for Cluster API provider vSphere has been adapted to work with the values schema of cluster-vsphere v0.52.0.
  • Added

    • Support unified cluster-aws app. With cluster-aws v0.76.0 and newer, default apps are deployed with cluster-aws and default-apps-aws app is not deployed anymore.
  • Changed

    • Default value for CAPA Node Pool rootVolumeSizeGB was decreased from 300 to 8.
  • Changed

    • BREAKING kubectl gs template cluster for Cluster API provider Azure has been adapted to work with the values schema of cluster-azure v0.7.0.
  • Changed

    • Make error message actionable in case kubectl gs template cluster fails because the user did not log into, or point to, the management cluster
    • Support internal api URLs in kubectl gs login id token verification
    • Print a warning in case kubectl gs login id token verification fails but don’t fail the command
  • Added

    • Add kubectl gs get nodepools for CAPA,CAPZ,CAPV,EKS and CAPVCD.
    • Add validation of ID token retrieved from OIDC provider during kubectl gs login


    • Errors during update checks no longer interrupt the command execution.
    • Fix authentication failure in case the browser sends multiple requests to the callback server during the login command execution
  • No significant changes compared to v2.52.0. This release was made to ensure the proper distribution to all channels, which failed with the last release.

  • Added

    • Allow subnet generation customization for CAPA clusters.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.