external-dns-app release v2.0.0
- Reworked the App to prepare it for customer use. (#49)
- General:
- Pushes the app to the giantswarm app catalog.
- Uses Helm release namespace.
- Uses the release name for resource naming to avoid conflicts.
- Added a values schema to catch incorrect values.
- Generally makes the chart easier to use (fully documented values file).
- external-dns options:
- Allows customisation of the txt registry prefix.
- Allows configuration of synchronisation interval.
- Filter resources to reconcile via annotations.
- AWS-specifc:
- Allows the user to provide an IAM role to use.
- Allows the user to provide the list of domains for external-dns to manage.
- Allows configuration of batch size.
- Allows configuration of CNAME instead of ALIAS records.
- Allows configuration of the AWS zone type to update.
- General: