ingress-nginx-app release v1.6.8


  • Default max-worker-connections to 0, making it same as max-worker-open-files i.e. max open files (system's limit) / worker-processes - 1024. This optimizes for high load conditions where it improves performance at the cost of increasing RAM utilization (even on idle).
  • HorizontalPodAutoscaler was tuned to use targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage of 80 due to increased RAM utilization with new default for max-worker-connections of 0.
  • Removed use of enable-dynamic-certificates CLI flag, it has been deprecated since ingress-nginx 0.26.0 via ingress-nginx PR #4356
  • Changed default error-log-level from error to notice.
  • Added a link to the README in the sources of Chart.yaml

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