ingress-nginx-app release v1.8.0

Breaking changes

In older releases the NGINX IC LoadBalancer Service name was hardcoded to nginx-ingress-controller. As of this release, to ensure the Service name uniqueness for multiple NGINX ICs per cluster support, the LoadBalancer Service name was made to be dynamic, derived from Helm release i.e. App Custom Resource (CR) name. Therefore, if you’re upgrading from an older NGINX IC App release to v1.8.0+, existing NGINX IC LoadBalancer Service may get replaced by a new one for every NGINC IC App CR whose name is not nginx-ingress-controller. When NGINX IC LoadBalancer Service gets recreated, cloud service provider (CSP) load balancer behind it gets recycled as well. It can take minute or so for ingress DNS records to be updated by external-dns and change propagated to clients. During that time there’s ingress traffic downtime, since clients still resolve old no longer present CSP load balancer. Please take the potential ingress downtime (a minute or so) into consideration when planning the NGINX IC App upgrade from older to v1.8.0+. To make sure the downtime is shortest possible, external-dns availability is important precondition. In recent platform releases (Azure v12.0.2, and AWS v12.1.4 and v11.5.4) we’ve improved external-dns monitoring and alerting. Therefore, before upgrading NGINX IC optional app to v1.8.0+, please make sure that your cluster has been upgraded to the latest platform release.


  • Support multiple NGINX IC App installations per tenant cluster.


  • Dropped support for deprecated configuration properties:
    • configmap.annotations-prefix
    • configmap.default-ssl-certificate
    • configmap.hpa-enabled
    • configmap.hpa-max-replicas
    • configmap.hpa-min-replicas
    • configmap.hpa-target-cpu-utilization-percentage
    • configmap.hpa-target-memory-utilization-percentage
    • configmap.ingress-class

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.