kong-app release v1.0.0

Breaking changes

  • Kong Ingress Controller 1.0 removes support for several deprecated flags and the KongCredential custom resource. Please see the controller changelog for details. Note that Helm 3 will not remove the KongCredential CRD by default: you should delete it manually after converting KongCredentials to credential Secrets. If you manage CRDs using Helm (check to see if your KongCredential CRD has a app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm label), perform the credential Secret conversion before upgrading to chart 1.11.0 to avoid losing credential configuration.
  • The chart no longer uses the extensions API for PodSecurityPolicy, and now uses the modern policy API. This breaks compatibility with Kubernetes versions 1.11 and older. (#195)


  • Update architect-orb to 0.11.0
  • Sync with upstream chart 1.11.0
  • Please check the upstream CHANGELOG.md


  • Change upstream default branch in upstream-sync script

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