kong-app release v1.2.0


1.15.0 is an interim release before the planned release of 2.0.0. There were several feature changes we wanted to release prior to the removal of deprecated functionality for 2.0. The original planned deprecations covered in the 1.14.0 changelog are still planned for 2.0.0. This update bundles all changes since upstream chart version 1.12.0 Make sure to review the upstream changelog and the upgrade documentation.


  • architect-orb 0.18.1 –> 2.1.0
  • Kong 2.2 –> 2.3
  • upstream chart 1.12.0 –> 1.15.0 See upgrade documentation for detailed list of changes and improvements.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.