starboard-exporter release v0.5.0


  • Important: the latest tag alias is being removed. Some users have reported issues using the latest tag on our hosted registries (Docker Hub, Quay, etc.). We advise against using latest tags and don’t use them ourselves, so this tag is not kept up to date. Please switch to using a tagged version. We will be removing the latest tag from our public registries in the near future to avoid confusion.


  • Add missing monitoring options in the Helm chart values.yaml.
  • Support sharding report metrics across multiple instances of the exporter.
  • Set runAsNonRoot and use RuntimeDefault seccomp profile.
  • Make replica count configurable in Helm values.
  • Add configurable tolerations to Helm values.
  • Reconcile and expose metrics for CISKubeBenchReport custom resources.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.