alloy-app release v0.6.0


  • Add PodLogs as helm chart template.


  • Upgrade Alloy upstream chart from 0.7.0 to 0.9.1
    • This bumps the version of Alloy from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2
    • Alloy Breaking changes
      • Some debug metrics for otelcol components have changed.
      • [otelcol.processor.transform] The functions convert_sum_to_gauge and convert_gauge_to_sum must now be used in the metric context rather than in the datapoint context.
      • Upgrade Beyla from 1.7.0 to 1.8.2. A complete list of changes can be found on the Beyla releases page:
      • See Alloy v1.4.0 release notes
    • Helm chart changes, see Alloy Helm chart v0.9.0 CHANGELOG


  • Fix CiliumNetworkPolicy to allow outgoing traffic to other nodes when running Alloy in clustering mode

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