happa release v0.5.2


  • The cluster detail page has recieved some structural changes to improve readability
    • The SCALE button has been removed from top right. Instead you can click on ‘Edit’ in the “Worker Node Scaling” row
    • Add vertical spacing to table rows to make table easier to read
    • Remove top spacing and border form details table
    • Regroup items to have the (unchangeable) VM size / instance type further in the top, above the dynamic details.
    • Add details to instance type / VM size info
  • The rendering of the Organizations column in the key pairs table has been improved for better readability
  • The scaling modal has been cleaned up and now better matches the situation we have since the introduction of autoscaling.


  • The sorting of the keypair table is back to what it used to be (reverse chronological)
  • Happa transitions more smoothly between it’s breakpoints now, allowing it to stay at a larger width for longer.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.