happa release v0.10.17


There have been some additions regarding the App Catalog and Apps in general:

  • We added a way to edit the version of an installed app. (#1227, #1212)
  • We’ve also added a version picker during app installation, so you can now pick the version of the app that you want to install (#1202)
  • There is now a table that shows chart versions and what app versions they will install when viewing an app from the App Catalog (#1200)
  • Add lastly, we’ve added kiam and external-dns to the list of preinstalled apps on clusters that indeed have these apps (#1197)

We’ve also made upgrade availability information more visible in more places:

  • We’ve added an upgrade notice in the clusters list, so you can see at a glance which clusters are eligible for an upgrade (#1204)
  • Similar to the above, we’ve also added an upgrade available icon in the list of clusters on the organization detail page (#1208)


  • Some modals could stay open even when changing routes. We now make sure modals close when the route changes (#1211)
  • We now ensure that the organization provider credentials form closes when you leave the page (#1209)


  • We fixed a memory leak in the app installation form (#1210)
  • We now ensure that the upgrade cluster modal does not re-render unnecessarily after dispatching an action (#1233)
  • Check cluster existence in dashboard resources component to avoid some potential error cases (#1230)
  • We fixed a bug where clusters would be created in the currently selected organization, instead of the organization you clicked “create cluster” in (#1207)
  • And lastly, we fixed an issue triggering the update cluster modal (#1206)

Development changes / refactorings

  • Change appReducer to mainReducer (#1228)
  • Create custom response object (#1226)
  • Return empty array if no cluster in selectClusterNodePools (#1231)
  • Refactor keypair test and fix overloaded action type. (#1223)
  • Write tests and comments for the new model layer (#1203)

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.