happa release v1.15.1

What’s changed

With this release we are adding more Management API guides, this time around creating and listing clusters. In addition, we worked on some minor user experience improvements.


  • Add Management API/CLI guides for the clusters page (home) and the cluster details “Overview” tab (#2619)


  • Organization access control for single sign-on users: improve service account action success messages (#2627), sort roles list by (cluster) role name (#2637), turn of spell-checking for subject name input (#2621), improve deletion confirmation prompt for deleting service account subjects (#2618)
  • Don’t display tooltips with the full date on relative dates like “3 days ago” when they are not needed (#2614)


  • Fix cluster details page - Subscription ID sometimes not appearing (#2609)

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.