Last modified February 11, 2025

Observe your clusters and apps

Every cluster benefits from automatic monitoring by default in the Giant Swarm platform. It allows you to observe the cluster health and application behaviour simultaneously with little effort. An in-cluster agent scrapes the metrics and sends them to a central location on the management cluster, where you can interact with them through our managed Grafana instance.


First step, you need a running workload cluster. If you don’t have one, please first create a workload cluster. Second, you need to deploy the hello-world application explained in the previous step. Further, make sure you have installed jq on your local machine.

In case you are running your own application, you need to make sure that your application is already instrumented to export metrics.

Also, consider that ingesting new metrics into the platform impacts your costs. The central monitoring system’s resource consumption is actually related to the number of metrics it has to handle, so please choose which metrics you want to ingest.

Step 1: Create a service monitor

In case of running the hello-world application, there is a baked-in service monitor that scrapes the metrics from the application. You can enable it by setting serviceMonitor.enabled to true in the values of the helm chart. If you are running your own application, you need to create a service monitor that scrapes the metrics from your application. This is an example of a service monitor you can use:

kind: ServiceMonitor
  labels: team-rocket my-service
  name: my-service
  namespace: my-namespace
  - interval: 60s
    path: /metrics
    port: web
    matchLabels: my-service

An important bit to notice is the label. This label is necessary as it’s required for the Prometheus agent to discover the target.

Reading the manifest, the application will be scraped every 60 seconds. It will read the metrics from the /metrics endpoint using the port name as a regular service does. Also, the label is used to identify the application, so it should match the application label.

After applying the service monitor, you can open the Explore view in the Grafana UI and start querying the metrics from your application.

Explore application metrics

Note: The Grafana UI is accessible via ingress. To find the address, you can check the ingress resource in the monitoring namespace of the platform API. More information in the access Grafana page

Step 2: Inspect the default dashboards

The platform provides a set of default dashboards that you can use to monitor the cluster components and your application. You can access them by opening the Dashboards view in the Grafana UI and explore different options in Giant Swarm Public Dashboards folder.

Below is an example of service monitor metrics filtered to show the hello-world application and how many cardinality the promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total metric has.

Service monitor metrics

Along with service monitor metrics, you can check metrics for DNS, Ingress, Flux, and many other components. Don’t hesitate to provide feedback on the dashboards or suggest new ones.

Step 3: Create your own dashboard

In some occasions, you may want to create a custom dashboard to visualize the metrics of your application. Once logged into the platform API you can create a special ConfigMap containing the dashboard in JSON format. It will look like this:

apiVersion: v1
  my-dashboard.json: |-
kind: ConfigMap
  annotations: Customer
  labels: dashboard
  name: my-grafana-dashboard
  namespace: my-namespace

It’s important to have an annotation with the key pointing to the organization where the dashboard will be stored in Grafana. Also notice the label has to be set to dashboard in order to be recognized by the platform.

The easiest way to build a dashboard is using the Grafana UI. There, you can create panels with the desired visualizations and then export them by selecting `Share > Export`` in the dashboard context menu or by accessing the JSON Model in the dashboard settings.

Warning: The dashboards served in the platform are all created from a GitOps repository or created by users through ConfigMap resources; there is no persistent storage for Grafana, which means dashboards aren’t persisted if the system restarts or are upgraded.

In our example, you can find the dashboard JSON here. Download the dashboard content and use jq to minify it:

jq -c . dashboard.json

Then replace the __DASHBOARD_JSON__ placeholder in the ConfigMap with the minified JSON content. After that, apply the ConfigMap to the platform API:

kubectl apply -f config-map.yaml

After a few seconds, you can open the Dashboards view in the Grafana UI and, switch to the organization you selected, and find your custom dashboard.


As you can see in the image above, the dashboard shows some information about the hello-world application. You see the number of errors, the number of success requests, and the number of requests by code. Feel free to poke around and create your own panels.

Next step

After knowing how your application behaves let’s explore how security is handled in the platform. Learn more in the security overview.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.