Last modified February 20, 2025

Container network interface

Every Giant Swarm Kubernetes cluster uses Cilium as a container networking interface (CNI). This ensures proper connectivity between nodes, services and pods in the cluster.


Since the CNI is an important component when bootstrapping a cluster, Cilium is installed ahead of the Giant Swarm App Platform.

To ensure smooth operation, some deviations from the default configuration of Cilium are taken. Among these are:

  • Increased policy BPF map size (bpf-policy-map-max: 65536)
  • Hubble is enabled by default
  • Local redirect policies are enabled
  • Ignore common, high cardinality labels from identity computation of pods and services. This means, it is not possible to use these labels in network policies. In addition to the default exclusions, the following labels are ignored:
    • Flux labels (.*fluxcd\.io/.*)
    • PSS labels (.*/enforce)
    • .*kubernetes\.io/managed-by.*
    • job-name
  • Install a PodDisruptionPolicy
  • Disable built in Envoy Proxy DaemonSet
  • Disable kube-proxy usage. See Kubernetes Without kube-proxy

All changes to the official Helm chart are recorded in


In case you experience any problems that could be related to Cilium or network connectivity, please consult these documents:

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