Last modified February 24, 2025

'kubectl gs template app' command reference

The template app command allows to create a manifest for an app to be installed in a workload cluster. The resulting manifest is meant to be applied to the management cluster, for example via kubectl apply.

The resulting manifest of the template app defines an App resource (API group/version


The command to execute is kubectl gs template app.

It supports the following required flags:

  • --name: Name of the app in the catalog. This is also the name of the App CR unless --app-name is set.
  • --target-namespace: Namespace where the app will be deployed.
  • --catalog: Catalog name where the app package is stored. Catalog CR for this catalog must exist in the cluster.
  • --cluster-name: Name of the cluster the app will be deployed to.
  • --version: Version of the app to be installed. The version package must exist in the Catalog storage.

It also supports older flag variations to maintain backward compatibility:

  • --namespace - replaced by --target-namespace.
  • --cluster - replaced by --cluster-name.

These older flag variations are marked as deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of kubectl gs.

The example command

kubectl gs template app \
  --catalog giantswarm-playground \
  --name keda \
  --target-namespace default \
  --cluster-name 2hr7z  \
  --version 0.1.0

produces the following output:

kind: App
  name: keda
  namespace: 2hr7z
  catalog: giantswarm-playground
    inCluster: false
  name: keda
  namespace: default
  version: 0.1.0

It also supports the following optional flags:

  • --app-name: Name of the App CR, otherwise uses the same value as --name. This can be set when you want to change the name or install multiple instances of an app.
  • --defaulting-enabled: Only include fields that differ from the default value (default true). When false, a much longer template is created.
  • --user-configmap: Path to the user values configmap YAML file.
  • --user-secret: Path to the user secrets YAML file.
  • --namespace-annotations: Additional annotations to be appended to the metadata of the target namespace (through spec.namespaceConfig.annotations of App CR) in form key=value. To specify multiple annotations, either separate annotation pairs with commata (,) or specify the flag multiple times.
  • --namespace-labels: Additional labels to be appended to the metadata of the target namespace (through spec.namespaceConfig.labels of App CR) in form key=value. To specify multiple labels, either separate label pairs with commata (,) or specify the flag multiple times.
  • --in-cluster: Creates in-cluster app by setting .spec.kubeConfig.inCluster field of the App CR to true. This is necessary for installing collection of apps.

Only required fields are templated. Other fields are are set by the defaulting webhook.

This is enabled for the Giant Swarm releases shown below. For older releases you can set the --defaulting-enabled flag to false.

  • AWS >= v14.0.0
  • Azure >= v13.1.0
  • KVM >= v13.1.0

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.