Last modified November 27, 2024
cluster-eks chart reference
The cluster-eks
chart templates all the AWS infrastructure resources that are necessary to create a Cluster API EKS cluster.
Chart Configuration Reference
AWS settings
Additional tags to add to AWS resources created by the cluster.
AWS Account ID of the AWSClusterRoleIdentity IAM role, recommendation is to leave this value empty as it will be automatically calculated. This value is needed for tests.
Name of an AWSClusterRoleIdentity object. This in turn refers to the IAM role used to create all AWS cloud resources when creating the cluster. The role can be in another AWS account in order to create all resources in that account. Note: This name does not refer directly to an IAM role name/ARN.
Maximum number of availability zones (AZ) that should be used in a region. If a region has more than this number of AZs then this number of AZs will be picked randomly when creating subnets.
IPv4 address range for pods, in CIDR notation. Must be within the or range. The CIDR block size must be betwen /16 and /28.
IPv4 address range for kubernetes services, in CIDR notation.
IPv4 address range to assign to this cluster's VPC, in CIDR notation.
To be passed to the HTTP_PROXY environment variable in all hosts.
To be passed to the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable in all hosts.
Control plane
Whether the Kubernetes API server load balancer should be reachable from the internet (public) or internal only (private).
Enable or disable Api server logging to CloudWatch (
Enable or disable audit logging to CloudWatch (
Enable or disable IAM Authenticator logging to CloudWatch (
Enable or disable Controller Manager logging to CloudWatch (
OIDC identity provider configuration for the Kubernetes API server.
Name of the OIDC identity provider config.
Required claims for the OIDC identity provider.
AWS resource tags to assign to the IAM OIDC provider.
For Giant Swarm internal use only, not stable, or not supported by UIs.
If specified, this token is used as a salt to the hash suffix of some resource names. Can be used to force-recreate some resources.
Tags to filter which AWS subnets will be used for this node pool.
Kubectl image
Node pools
Node pools of the cluster. If not specified, this defaults to the value of `internal.nodePools`.
Tags to filter which AWS subnets will be used for this node pool.
Other global
Further reading
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