Platform access management
How the users can access the Giant Swarm platform and manage their applications.
- Authentication for the platform API
Instructions on how to authenticate for the platform API, both as a user and in an automation context. We also provide some technical background information and requirements for new customers.
- Authorization in the platform API
Granting users specific permission to certain resources is what authorization is all about. The Platform API uses Kubernetes' role based access control (RBAC) primitives and provides automation on top of it to make authorization easy for most real-life use cases. Here we explain them in detail.
- Configure OIDC using Dex to access your clusters
How to install and configure Dex to work as an authenticator mechanism to provide OpenID tokens via OpenID Connect (OIDC).
- AWS IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA)
This article describes how to use a new feature that allows binding of specific AWS IAM roles to a service account of a pod.