Last modified December 16, 2024

Creating and using App Sets

This document is part of the documentation to use GitOps with Giant Swarm app platform. You can find more information about the app platform in our docs.

Creating app sets

It’s often desirable to deploy a group of apps together, as a single deployment step. In Giant Swarm, it’s called App Sets. There’s nothing special about App Sets: they aren’t a separate API entity, but rather just a configuration pattern enabled by Kustomize and Flux. The purpose brings you the following benefits:

  • Apps within the set have strong relationship and dependency on versions and you want to be sure that the correct versions are used and deployed together.
  • The configuration of apps in an App Set could be shared. By placing them together it’s possible to simplify the configuration of one app by providing values known to depend on another. As a result, it’s easier to deploy an App Set than each of the apps individually. That way a specialized team might deliver a pre-configured App Set so that it’s easy and understandable to deploy be a less proficient end user.


Even though App Sets have a lot of benefits, their implementation with Kustomize and Flux is limited. The main limitation is that Kustomize isn’t a templating engine. It can’t replace a value in an arbitrary place in a YAML file. It can only replace whole values or whole blocks of YAML.

In general, it’s impossible to configure a variable once and use it with multiple apps. You have two choices:

  • Every app within the set shares exactly the same ConfigMap or Secret as a config attribute.
  • Use two separate ConfigMaps. In this case, it’s your responsibility to provide exactly the same value in both places. It means the apps will receive same configuration layout and must avoid conflict options. In practice, the apps must be prepared on the Helm chart layer to work together.

Note: As an alternative, you can use Helm umbrella chart to deploy multiple apps together, also known as Helm chart dependencies.


App set template

An example of an App Set template is available in the gitops-template repository in bases/app_sets/hello-web-app. In this example, the App Set takes the second approach, and creates two different ConfigMap files for each app and replace the ConfigMap name in the App resource.

Using app sets

An example showing how to use an App Set is available in the gitops-template repository in WC_NAME/app_sets/hello-web-app-1. You can observe how a ConfigMap is automatically created using a override configuration file. Also, you see patchesStrategicMerge that replaces the ConfigMap name in the App resource.

Creating an app set template

Creating an App Set template isn’t much different than creating an app template. Please make sure to read the documentation first.

To get started, go to the bases directory and create a subdirectory for your App Set template. In the directory, create a kustomization.yaml similar to the one below:

buildMetadata: [originAnnotations]
commonLabels: hello-web-app # this label will be applied to all resources included in the `App Set`
# (optional) replace default config of apps included in the set
  - behavior: replace
    - values=default_config_simple_db.yaml
    name: ${cluster_name}-simple-db-values # has to be in sync with the name used by included app
  - behavior: replace
    - values=default_config_hello_world.yaml
    name: ${cluster_name}-hello-world-values # has to be in sync with the name used by included app
# block end
kind: Kustomization
namespace: hello-web # (optional) enforce the same namespace for all the apps in the set
# (optional) here we can enforce versions for both apps that we know work well together
  - patch: |-
      - op: replace
        path: /spec/version
        value: 0.1.9      
      kind: App
      name: hello-world
  - patch: |-
      - op: replace
        path: /spec/version
        value: 0.1.1      
      kind: App
      name: simple-db
# block end
  - ../../apps/hello-world
  - ../../apps/simple-db

Please note the following in the example above:

  • You can use the YOUR_NAME label to identify all the components included in the App Set. It makes debugging easier later, as you can easily find what belongs to the Set after it’s deployed.
  • One of the key benefits of App Sets is to be able to provide a specific set of app versions, that’s known to make the apps work well together. To achieve that you see a set of in-line patches exposing the versions of the apps.
  • When using App resources, you have three configuration slots available: config, extraConfigs and userConfig. Learn more about them in the app configuration documentation.
  • It’s recommended to re-use app templates to create App Set templates. You can observe the apps defined in the resources: are App templates, that can be also used standalone.
  • Secrets can be created the same way as explained in the app templates and override the same as ConfigMaps or secrets when creating App from a Template.

Use an app set

Using an App Set template is similar to use a single App Set. To create one, save a path that contains your desired App Set template in the gitops-template repository in “bases/app_sets” directory. Then, create a new directory in the app_sets directory of your working cluster. In that directory, create a kustomization.yaml file based on the following pattern:

buildMetadata: [originAnnotations]
  - files:
      - values=override_config_hello_world.yaml
    name: ${cluster_name}-hello-world-user-values
  disableNameSuffixHash: true
kind: Kustomization
namespace: hello-web-team1
  - config_patch.yaml
  - ../../../../../../../../../bases/app_sets/hello-web-app

Above you can see how it’s override the configuration of the hello-world app from the original template. The configuration replaces the extraConfigs property using the values from override_config_hello_world YAML file. This modifies the keys that match from original template definition. Notice the example overwrites the namespace as well for the whole app deployment. If you want to learn more about how configuration overrides work, please read our docs about creating apps.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.