Last modified November 29, 2024

Defaulting and validation of App CRs

The Giant Swarm applications use a defaulting and validation logic for the App custom resources to enhance the user experience and prevent common mistakes.

This logic is provided by app-admission-controller. When you create or update an App resource, the controller will ensure that the resource is correctly configured and will default some fields based on the cluster configuration.


The defaulting logic is implemented using a mutating admission webhook. It currently defaults the following settings in the App resource if they’re not specified.

  • The label - It determines which instance of app operator processes the App resource. The value is set based on the release version of the cluster.
  • The cluster values ConfigMap - It contains per cluster values like the base domain for your cluster.
  • The kubeconfig Secret - It lets app operator connect to your cluster.

In the following example, there is an App resource only with the basic settings you need to provide. The user values ConfigMap is optional, in case you wish to configure the app with your own values.

kind: App
  name: my-kong
  namespace: x7jwz
  catalog: giantswarm
  name: kong-app
  namespace: kong
  version: 0.7.2
      name: kong-user-values
      namespace: x7jwz

Next is the App resource with the defaults added by the mutating webhook.

kind: App
  name: my-kong
  namespace: x7jwz
  labels: 3.0.0
  catalog: giantswarm
  name: kong-app
  namespace: kong
  version: 0.7.2
      name: x7jwz-cluster-values
      namespace: x7jwz
      name: x7jwz
    inCluster: false
      name: x7jwz-kubeconfig
      namespace: x7jwz
      name: kong-user-values
      namespace: x7jwz


The validation logic is implemented using a validating admission webhook. It checks for common problems with App resources.

Currently we validate:

  • The label is present.
  • All referenced ConfigMaps and Secrets exist.
  • The catalog has a matching Catalog custom resource.
  • There is no App resource with a conflicting annotation or label value for the target namespace.

If app operator finds a matching AppCatalogEntry custom resource, it will use this to run more validation checks.

  • Cloud provider compatibility (For example you can’t install the azure-ad-pod-identity app in AWS cluster).
  • Namespace restriction (cluster singleton, namespace singleton, fixed namespace).

Skipping configuration validation

If you are managing your App resource by the means of a third party tool (for example flux) then the validating webhook may block creation of the App resource if it’s created before the referenced ConfigMap or Secret.

To prevent this you can add the label and set the value to the tool you’re using for example flux or helm. If you aren’t using a particular tool to deploy your resources but find the validation blocking you, you may also set this to some other value, for example external, to allow your custom resource to be created regardless. See example below, note, some fields have been removed for brevity.

kind: App
  name: my-app
  namespace: w0xyz
  labels: flux
      name: my-app-userconfig
      namespace: w0xyz

The app-admission-controller will now allow the App resource to be created despite the referenced my-app-userconfig doesn’t exist. The app operator will still perform the validation checks and once the referenced ConfigMap or Secret exists the app will be installed.

Retry Logic

During cluster creation there can a short delay while the kubeconfig Secret and cluster values ConfigMap are generated.

So if you have an automated process for creating App resources please ensure it retries till the infrastructure is provisioned.

This part of our documentation refers to our vintage product. The content may be not valid anymore for our current product. Please check our new documentation hub for the latest state of our docs.